Thursday, May 28, 2009

Friend O' Mine

Hey, again. Just found out one of my co-workers has a blog as well. Cool guy, good work. Check him out if you get the chance.

Expect a jam from he and I soon enough. Til' here!




Sunday, May 24, 2009

Meanwhile, while rendering...

Yo yo. I know it's been some time again. Haven't really had the time to actually post anything. Things have been busy at work. GOOD busy. Anyhow, here's a piece that I did while rendering some things. My co-worker has this awesome Hellboy toy on his desk next to mine so I thought, why not. Done with the usual traditional materials I use: red col-erase, copic blacks, copic french greys, and white charcoal. I hope it is satisfactory. Til' next time!
