Hello everyone! I know I forgot to post last month. Last month was especially hectic with my family in town and lots of other stuff. But, as a way to kind of make up for it, i'm doing my very first 3D post! Hahaha which is kind of weird because I've been doing 3D for a while now and I do it every day at work. Anyhow, we had a slow day at work today so I thought I would see if I remembered how to use Zbrush. Turns out I do! So here's what I came up with. First I quickly sketched out turnarounds of a bust of this Demon Monster dude. Then, I built the base mesh in Maya. Then, I went into Zbrush and started sculpting away! This was done in a few hours. I didn't take too much time on it. Anyway, hope you can dig it! Until here, peace!

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